It's a good idea to do a full backup of the hard-drive after the initial installation as well as when you finally get your server set up the way you want. Having a snapshot of your system right after the initial installation gives you something to revert back to should you want to reconfigure your server without starting from scratch. Linux has many backup utilities but the old standard is still the favorite of admins because of the flexibility offered by its myriad of options.
tar commands can become quite complex. It's easier to enter the command in a text file and make it a shell script. We also need to create a directory to hold the backup file. We'll use a separate directory so we can exclude that directory from the backup (we don't want tar trying to backup a file it's in the process of creating). Enter the following commands:
cd /home
mkdir backups
cd backups
tar commands can become quite complex. It's easier to enter the command in a text file and make it a shell script. We also need to create a directory to hold the backup file. We'll use a separate directory so we can exclude that directory from the backup (we don't want tar trying to backup a file it's in the process of creating). Enter the following commands:
cd /home
mkdir backups
cd backups